The image shows a group of four young men in a modern office setting. Three of them are seated on a blue couch and one on an office chair, all with laptops. One man is standing in front of a whiteboard with various sticky notes and diagrams, giving a presentation to the others. The room has exposed brick walls, large windows, and a contemporary design. The scene depicts a collaborative and dynamic workspace, relevant to discussing ways to monetize native ads and generate quick revenue.

Top 4 Ways To Monetize Your Native Ads And Make Quick Money

Top 4 Ways To Monetize Your Native Ads And Make Quick Money

Somewhere near 2015, Native advertising was an exciting way to make money, and many advertisers used this method to promote products. However, when you understand the concept of native advertising, you’ll discover that it is similar to affiliate marketing with some minimal differences. So are you wondering what native advertising actually is? Is it still beneficial for digital marketers and website owners in 2021?

Native advertising allows the users to promote their desired products on the publisher’s site without connecting with the publishers. Doesn’t it sound pretty bizarre and exciting? For instance, while promoting native advertising, your audience will be clicking on any random link, which will redirect them to the website’s other pages instead of other websites.

Although the concept of native advertising isn’t common and easy to understand, like banner ads, it is simple as a cakewalk. Native advertising will be promoted on the publisher’s site like the other content but under the advertiser’s name.

Native advertising is a traditional method of earning money for website owners, advertisers, and publishers. Nevertheless, it is still the best way to keep the audience engaged with your website. The reason is any type of audience will prefer watching native ads instead of those boring banner ads, which are always overlooked. 

The illustration is a colorful and vibrant scene depicting a house surrounded by various symbols and elements related to money and advertising. The house has a large dollar sign on the roof and is surrounded by people engaging in different activities such as working on computers, painting, and flying a plane with a dollar sign banner. There are stacks of coins, bags of money, and various icons representing digital marketing, such as charts, graphs, and social media symbols. The overall theme is focused on monetizing native ads and making money quickly through different strategies and activities.

Consider A Flat Fee Agreement 

If you have ever tried traditional banner advertising, you’ll always receive impressions when the ad banners are shown to the visitors. In native advertising, the concept is entirely different. Here, the primary objective of advertisers is their promoted content on the publisher’s site should grab the attention of the audience.

In such cases, working on a commission basis isn’t a good idea, especially for beginners. If you work on a commission or percentage basis, soon you’ll drop native advertising and consider the paid advertisement methods.

Hence, negotiate with the publisher for a flat rate, which might benefit both parties. Connect with the publisher directly and convince him/her of flat rates. If you’re good at negotiation, you’ll undoubtedly be benefited from the native ads. 

Maintain Transparency And Follow FTC Guidelines

When you’re incorporating native ads with the site content, ensure you’re adhering to the FTC guidelines during ad placement. If you don’t follow the FTC guidelines, no one can help you earn money. That’s the golden rule in native advertising. 

The agreement between both parties should be 100% flexible and transparent. Plus, never prioritize everything said by your publisher. Sometimes publishers advise advertisers to run display ads and native ads simultaneously against the FTC guidelines. 

You should keep these things clear before you start promoting the native ads or sign any agreement. Yes, because further arguments will kill your valuable audience and you might end up unfollowing the FTC guidelines. 

Ensure Your Promoted Content Should Be Interesting And Valuable To The Audience 

There is no point in promoting fitness ads if your audience is interested in automobiles. Many publishers and advertisers experiment by promoting different genre ads to maximize profits. What type of content will grab the attention of your audience?

Here, you have to focus on the quality and quantity of your content. For instance, if you give your 100% to a couple of posts, there are higher chances that you might lose some traffic. On the contrary, if you’re adding multiple quality content to your site, there are chances that something will reach every visitor. 

In other words, focus more on the relevance of your posts instead of promoting your portfolio or publisher’s content. When you’re promoting any offers, create controversy, and encourage curiosity in your visitors’ brains. Such practices will keep the audience engaged with your content, which is beneficial for everyone. 

Try Different Formats As Per Your Product And Website  

Native ads might be promoted on different social media platforms in multiple ways. For example, if you’re considering Facebook and Instagram platforms, most probably the native ads will be shown in news feed and stream. The biggest mistake that most advertisers make is keeping the native ads desktop-centric. 

There should be two different versions of the native ads. One should be ideal for desktops and another one for smartphone users. Ads can be curated in text, pictures, and audio. Nevertheless, most native ads you’ll see on social media platforms will be in the form of images and texts. In our opinion, beginners should seek assistance from social media marketers for making the most out of native ads. 

Final Wrap-Up

Native advertising is still a hot topic in the digital marketing field, but advertisers don’t know how to make money from this advertising type. Believe it or not, many publishers and advertisers are making tons of money, but everything depends on how you manage your native ads.

If you want to monetize your native ads, use ForeMedia for generating a quick side income for your future ad campaigns!

Maximize Your Monetization Potential

ForeMedia is a trusted platform designed for maximizing your ad reach and web monetization. Enjoy easy ad integration, intuitive management, and a dedicated account manager. We prioritize user experience by filtering out inappropriate content. For advertisers, access high-quality, converting traffic to optimize ROI. Choose from multiple ad formats to enhance your campaigns. Experience the ForeMedia advantage!

Maximize Your Monetization Potential

ForeMedia is a trusted platform designed for maximizing your ad reach and web monetization. Enjoy easy ad integration, intuitive management, and a dedicated account manager. We prioritize user experience by filtering out inappropriate content. For advertisers, access high-quality, converting traffic to optimize ROI. Choose from multiple ad formats to enhance your campaigns. Experience the ForeMedia advantage!