The image features text that reads "ForeMedia" at the top, followed by "Why Your Native Ads Aren't Working?" Below the text, there is an illustration of a stack of gold coins. The background is a gradient of blue and teal with red and blue circular shapes. The overall design emphasizes the question of why native ads may be failing, hinting at issues with ad creatives.

Why Your Native Ads Aren’t Working? (Hint: It’s Your Ad Creatives)

Why Your Native Ads Aren’t Working? (Hint: It’s Your Ad Creatives)

When you go to a big city, you might see a lot of billboards and ads promoting different products. But if you observe the people of the city carefully, you’ll notice that those billboards fail to engage people as it’s obvious that they’re just ads. And nowadays, display ads are facing the same issues. That’s why the ad industry came up with a revolutionary ad format to tackle this: native ads.

While it’s an amazing ad format that has a lot of potentials, you need to get every element of the ads right. Otherwise, your native ads are doomed to fail.

In this article, we’re going to explain why your native ads aren’t working and how can you make your next native ad campaign a success.

So, let’s dive in…

Display Ads Vs. Native Ads

The image shows a comparison on a computer screen between traditional advertisements and native ads. On the left side of the screen, there is a visual representation of a standard advertisement with an image of a mountain, sun, and sky. On the right side, there are text-based elements labeled "Sponsored," "Related," and "Promoted." The central part of the screen features the text "VS" to highlight the comparison. The background is light blue with minimalistic cloud-like shapes and small circles.
Image Credit – AdPushUp

You may already know what a display ad is since it’s one of the famous digital ad formats. These ads usually come in the shape of a banner ad or other customizable shapes displayed on the websites. However, most people choose to ignore them since they’re too obvious as a promotion.

On the other hand, native ads almost perfectly match the content of the website they’re shown in. Therefore, they don’t distract the web visitor too much and don’t come off as a promotion. So, people are more motivated to click on them.

However, there is one thing that is common in both native and display ads. And it’s the images or ad creatives. And to succeed in both kinds of ads, you need to make your creative super-catchy and awesome.

But that’s where most of the problem begins…

How To Choose The Right Image For Your Native Ads?

The image depicts a comparison between native ads on different devices. On the left, there is a smartphone displaying a webpage layout with a blue box labeled "native ad" in the content. On the right, there is a larger desktop computer screen showing a similar webpage layout with another blue box labeled "native ad" integrated into the content. Both screens highlight how native ads are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding content, making them less intrusive compared to traditional ads. The overall color scheme is grayscale with blue highlights for the native ads.
Image Credit – PPCmate

Image or the ad creatives worth thousands of promotional texts. And to succeed with the native ads, you need to get your ad creative right. In other words, it needs to be catchy and appealing to the audience. However, that’s where most advertisers make mistakes. And as a result, their ads don’t perform as good as they should have.

The solution: make your ad creative super-appealing.

Here are some ways you can make your ad creative stand out and make your native ad campaign successful:

Use A Relevant Theme

The fact is that we relate 90% of the visual information with our similar past experiences even before we interpret that the current visual information is about. In simpler words, your image needs to be relevant to what your ad is actually about. You can’t just show an ad about diet tips with a wooden house in the mountains. You need an image of some kind of healthy food. So, the trick is to make your ad creative relevant to the theme of the ad.

Use A Image With Fewer Colors But Higher Contrast

Here’s a cold and hard fact. We tend to remember the things that have similar or fewer colors. However, the colors of different elements and the background need to have high contrasty to detect them clearly.

 Does it seem to difficult to understand? Let us break things down a bit for you:

  • If you have an ad creative with a lot of details, try to use as few colors as possible.
  • The contrast between the text and the background should be distinguishably high.
  • To make the ad creative visually appealing, use more harmonious colors.
  • If the colors you choose don’t harmonize with each other, make sure you know why you’re doing this. However, this kind of ad creative is often better to not use.

Fonts Need To Be Easy To Read

The truth is that the types of font you use actually affects someone else’s ability to process the information. And according to experts, the type of font you use, its colors, and lining style affect the readers’ emotional states without fail. Moreover, when someone sees a poorly designed page or creative, they’ll feel disgusted and it’ll negatively impact their mind.

Here are some important things you need to remember when it comes to fonts of an ad creative:

  • You must space out between the actual text and the visual element of the creative.
  • You must not disturb images or an important icon with texts over it.
  • Select easy-to-read fonts that will be easier to read.

Show Faces In Your Ad Creative

According to the stats of the native ad industry, ads that have human faces in them generally have a higher CTR than the ads that don’t have a human face. Human faces are really a powerful medium of communication. And that’s why images that have a human face have a 38% higher engagement rate than those images that don’t have one.

So, next time, make sure you have a human face in your native ad creative to better convey your message to your target audience.

Show How Your Product Actually Looks Like

The image features a large shopping cart set against a blue background. Six people are depicted using various electronic devices. Two individuals are sitting on top of the cart, one using a laptop and the other using a tablet. Four others are positioned around the cart, engaged with their smartphones and tablets. The background includes minimalist illustrations of trees and clouds, suggesting a park-like setting. The image conveys the idea of online shopping and digital engagement, highlighting how consumers interact with technology in a shopping context.
Image Credit – Lander

You wouldn’t probably buy any product online if you couldn’t see it, will you? So, the next step is quite simple. If you wish to sell your product or service to people, then you have to show them what you’re actually selling. This is particularly important if you’re selling a service instead of a product.

Also, when you’re showing your product, make sure you show the product up close. While it’s true that showing the human face is important, but if the people can’t clearly see how your product actually looks like, they aren’t gonna buy it. So, make your choices carefully.

Native Ads Headline Types That Works Best

While it’s important to take care of the image part of the native ads. But you must not forget that the native ad also has a text headline. And it’s as important as the image creation of the ad. So, to make sure your ad performs the best, you need a killer copy.

Here are some headline styles you can use for your native ads:

  • Personal experience or stories.
  • Some kind of question that your audience is looking for an answer.
  • Listicles.
  • And news type headlines.

In The End…

Now, you already know what you need to focus on to your native ad campaigns successful. Follow the tips and execute them as you see fit. This way, you can make your native ad campaign a huge success too.

Maximize Your Monetization Potential

ForeMedia is a trusted platform designed for maximizing your ad reach and web monetization. Enjoy easy ad integration, intuitive management, and a dedicated account manager. We prioritize user experience by filtering out inappropriate content. For advertisers, access high-quality, converting traffic to optimize ROI. Choose from multiple ad formats to enhance your campaigns. Experience the ForeMedia advantage!

Maximize Your Monetization Potential

ForeMedia is a trusted platform designed for maximizing your ad reach and web monetization. Enjoy easy ad integration, intuitive management, and a dedicated account manager. We prioritize user experience by filtering out inappropriate content. For advertisers, access high-quality, converting traffic to optimize ROI. Choose from multiple ad formats to enhance your campaigns. Experience the ForeMedia advantage!